Friday, February 1, 2008

What is Odd about ODD numbers?

Why are odd numbers called odd numbers, and even numbers called even numbers? Why not the other way around? Because there is something odd about the odd numbers and even about the even numbers.

What is odd about the odd numbers?

Lets say odd numbers denote 'good' and even numbers denote 'bad'.

Then we have
even + even = even, which means bad + bad = bad.
Nothing surprising there!!

even + odd = odd, which means bad + good = good.
Bad people can turn good when in good company!! Believable.

odd + odd = even, which means good + good = bad. Let us call this result as r1.
This is not what we expect. There is something wrong in this.

So why not change the initial values. Say odd = 'bad' and even = 'good'.

Then we have
even + even = even, which means good + good = good.
This is what we expect, is it not?

even + odd = odd, which means good+ bad = bad.
Even this is believable. Sometimes the good turn bad due to bad company.

odd + odd = even, which means, bad + bad = good. Let us call this r2.
There is no moral story, that i can remember of, which brings out this philosophy.

Certainly r1 and r2 show that there is something odd happening when odd numbers are involved. May be that is why there are called 'ODD' numbers.

Whenever even numbers are involved, they don't go beyond the realm of believability. May be that is why the are called 'EVEN' numbers.