Thursday, February 14, 2008

non-sense day!!

Today i want to write some non-sense in this blog. Lets see how it comes about.
Well i dont have much idea what to write. So i, basically, am going to type whatever my mind dictates. So dont bother if it doesnt make sense. Because, most probably, it wont. How can it make sense, when i have no idea what i am typing? If it really makes sense, then it is a miracle.
So does it seem like a day of miracle??? It has to be seen.
See i am not able to write anything, now that is surprising. Why is it surprising?? because all who know me expect me to write non-sense very easily. So do I. But it is not coming easily for me. So what do we infer from this?? Writing non-sense is not natural to me. Which in turn means that i write sense more than non-sense. Which in turn means that I am better than atleast 1500 Indians. Now what is the significance of that number 1500?? Well it is easy, they are the MP's of this term, and the last term and some more. They are the best in talking and writing non-sense.
May be i should take some tuitions from them!!!

Well this is the most non-sense i can dish out.

My friend Dilip Raghavan is very gifted in this. He spoke non-stop non-sense in front of the class, for about 5 minutes. You think that is easy?? Then give it a go. I promise, it is not easy to cross 90 seconds.

K see you later.