Monday, February 11, 2008

The Conformist Rebel!!

I have heard the Conformist views, I have heard the rebellious views. I see that i agree with both the views in different contexts. So am I a rebel or a conformist?
I had been confounded by this question for 4-5 years now. But now for some time I have discovered this truth. I am a Conformist Rebel!!!

I was a conformist like all small kids, then I became a rebel like all the teenagers. Then I got bored by looking at people who take pride in being rebels and breaking all the rules and norms of the society. Being a rebel has become, with time, a norm of the society, the peer-society. If you are not a rebel, then you are no more a part of the peer-society. If you are a conformist, you are right out of the group. You are a person of the old generation. The response a conformist gets is 'You have come into the world a bit late, dude'.
So if you are a conformist, then you are rebel, according to the 'peer-society'.
If you are a rebel, then you are a conformist, according to the 'peer-society'.

So one gets an honest doubt. Is a rebel, really a rebel? Is a conformist, really a conformist?
I am a rebel, rebel in the peer-society, i.e., I am conformist.
So this means, I am a Conformist Rebel. And I am proud to say so.