Monday, February 4, 2008

problem with the generation!

Another suicide in the college hostels. This time again a masters student. And a junior of my juniors. A senior of mine attempted, but was not successful.
This is very prevalent in the college hostels. When i was in college, one of my hostel mates was successful in his attempt.
They say that one should not talk ill of the passed. But i cannot help myself. What is their problem? Have they become so self-centered that they cannot see plight of their parents? Can they not understand how the parents will feel once they are gone? Have they not heard "To commit suicide is the worst sin."
The parents work for years and send the children to college paying huge fees and expect the wards to get good marks and good job, not to find them hanging from the fan or eating what is meant for rats.
Spare a thought for the parents.

This also a big problem for the administration, because they have to keep these things under the carpet. And it is not easy. this news will create a big ruckus and bad publicity for the premier institute of the country.
The students must know their responsibility. They have entered the portals of this institute being selected from an All- India test. This means they have some kind of sense. It is time they start using them.

Another dimension to this problem is that, the college hostels cannot reassign the room to any student for some years. I know of atleast 5 rooms locked indefinitely like that. There is no use in building hostels, when the rooms are going to be termed un-usable.