Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet st.

Today I went for the movie Sweeney Todd. I knew part of the story before i reached the cinema. I saw the review was 8.1/10.00. LOTR had about 8.2/10.00. So I knew it would be good.
I was not disappointed. It was lovely.

Johny Depp was so very impressive. He has given a stellar performance. The cinematography is excellent. The animation was spectacular. Great direction. I liked the music. It was a great movie overall .

I recommend everyone to watch the movie. But i would like to caution you that it is a bit gory. Lot of blood and a bit of cannibalism. So if you are up for it, there is no reason to miss it. Even otherwise, it is a must watch. Johny Depp deserves that much.