Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I bought Anduril!!!

Yes!! On Monday, three of us went out and bought a couple of laptops. (the third person already has one.) We got the same model but from 2 different outlets. We roamed about half the Sydney and had a great time.
It is a Toshiba A200/J01 model. It has T7300 2.0 Ghz processor (core 2 duo), with 2gb ram, 250 GB hDd, 256 MB ati video card.

And i have named it "Anduril - The flame of the west, forged from the shards of the Narsil". Like in the movie where Sauron the dark lord is afraid of that sword, the viruses will be afraid to attack this laptop of mine. The name was suggested by Elrond- Manoj Varma, whose laptop is Shadowfax.

I have been tinkering around with it since Monday. In about two weeks my blogging will become more regular and I will be posting from the new Laptop.

hope to see you and share my wisdom with you using Anduril!!

Bye, Ciao.