Monday, January 14, 2008

Got hold of fav songs and Death trap!!

You know how it feels when you see an old friend after a long time?? Well it is quite the same with songs too. After about 5 months i got to hear my favorite songs again, last week. I had totally forgotten about them, when i accidently reached their pages in Wikipedia, and then went to 'youtube' and downloaded from there. One is Michael Jackson's "Heal the world" and the other is Enigma's "The Return to Innocence". If you have not heard either of them, please do at once. You will regret it otherwise. I assure you that you will love them. Such is my taste. They have exceptionally good music and lovely lyrics. I appreciated the songs more when i learnt their full lyrics. I also got hold of "Across the universe" of the Beatles. That is quite good too.

If i say that is what i have been doing whole week, i would be lying. A friend of mine made me watch the series "Lost". And i must say, i am really impressed. I saw the whole first season in about 4 days. And i am raring to have a go at the second season. It has a normal plane-crash-on-a-island story line. But the way it has been shot, is quite marvellous. But one sad part is, the series is still not fully shot. I hear the seasons 5 and 6 are still to be shot. That means it will be another 2 years for it to be complete. I am not sure if my interest will hold up that long.
Lets see. I still got 2 seasons go anyway. If you haven't seen it, why don't you give it a try, eh?

And by god, i accidently hit upon this brilliantly made comedy thriller movie this sunday. It is an old one, "Death Trap". You have heard of who-dunnit thrillers, well this is a who-will-do-it thriller. It has a very tight story-line, which even i as a director, cannot spoil and a great cast.
It has Caine and Reeve. Please pick this one too. This is a lovely comic thriller. I assure you, even before you finish laughing, there will be a surprise waiting for you in the next scene.

I seen to have talked a lot about entertainment today. Don't think thats what i am doing. I also do study, whenever i am free.
