Saturday, December 22, 2007

New Year and the resolutions!!

Hmm, so how are you today? 2008 has come, so you will be ready with a resolution for the New Year, I suppose. Well what we actually celebrate as new year is not the actual new year. In 153 BC Romans declared January 1st as the New Year. And again in 46 BC in order to synchronize the calendar with the Sun’s movement, they let the year extend for a staggering 445 days. I wonder how people would have taken it, because the taxes are calculated annually. And the Church always remained against the celebrations declaring them as Paganism. It has been only for the last around 400-450 years that the West has been celebrating January 1st as New Year.

The Babylonians used to celebrate the New Year in the last days of the March, and their celebrations lasted for 11 days. The Romans continued to celebrate in the last days of March, till the above said changes took place. Those who continued to celebrate in the last days of March were made fun off. This is the reason for celebrating “fools day” on April 1st.

Are you ready with your resolution or not? Think of one fast. I think I have got one.
I wonder how many keep their resolutions, and how many repeat the resolutions every year. Some may take the resolution to repeat the resolutions. I have a friend who has resolved to get rid of his smokes. But this is the fourth year he has taken this. I know it is tough, by that I do not mean first-hand knowledge. What are the different resolutions that people take? How did this tradition start?

Well some of the common ones are like spend time with family, regain fitness, quit smoke, quit drink, get out of debt, help others, learn something new, etc..

The tradition of making New Year resolutions dates back to Babylonians. The famous resolution in their time used to be “to return borrowed farm equipments”.

Well I have successfully kept a resolution. It was in my 7th grade, and I resolved never to use tamil swear words again. And it is a miracle that I still haven’t broken that resolve. But there are many others that I have failed to keep up. And i dont even remember what was the 2007 resolution. Well for this year, I have resolved to see fewer movies. See this is a vague one, because I haven’t mentioned what is fewer? But I know what I mean by it. And I hope to keep it. And I wish you all keep up your respective resolutions.