Sunday, December 23, 2007

Miracle at the end of the day!

Today something miraculous happened. I resisted the temptation to see the Lord of the Rings finally. I have seen the movie just some 20 odd times. But till now i have never been able to resist its charm. The movie is still running and my resistance might fail any time. I dont consider Lord of the Rings as a movie. So i will not be breaching my resolution in any way. What a story? It has everything - emotion, action, tragedy and sentiment. And add to that beautiful locations, breath-taking background score and costume and the actors. It is a pure classic. But my only wish is that Jackson could have done a little better. He has done an excellent job, could have been an extra-ordinary job. Sitting in my room, I can hear Saruman shouting curses in the Caradhras sequence.

Well another exciting thing was that when i 'googled' my name, i found 4 its among the first 10. T0 score 4/10 in google, is i guess good. And when i "yahooed" my name, i got 3/10 again. My goal is to increase this result to about 6/10 by the end of 2008. How does it sound??
Well the resistance has lost, i got to see the movie now. So will catch-up later. Bye.