Friday, December 21, 2007

Bollywood war movies

Hi good to see you back. Today was very hot here, while it washed away another day of the practice match for India. Dada again got out early in the morning. Please do not let him sleep when he is not out. Once he goes to sleep, he loses his touch and gets out early in the morning. The team management should take turns in keeping Saurav awake throughout the night. I am his big fan and it pains to see the management not taking care of its players.

Anyways coming to what i wanted to talk about today. When i reached home from the university, tired after a hard days work (just a figure of speech), my room-mates were watching the movie "border". I had not seen the movie before so i just sat down with my coffee. I am not very sure what the director was trying. We all know Sunny Deol is a super-hero, immortal being and all, but still this was way too much. Sunny bhai and Akshaye were stabbing the enemy Pakistani soldiers, in tens and tens. The Pak soldiers were very disciplined enough to attack them one after another. Should never outnumber the enemy!! As if that is not enough, Akshaye gets shot, but that won't deter from stabbing more. We know that nothing can stop Sunny, so i am not talking about it. There is also Sunil shetty. I dont know if he has a sister in this movie too. He takes an anti-tank mine and walks to the enemy tank formation, (don't be stupid, ofcourse they shoot him with 10, 20 bullets), and then shouts at them and frightens their tank leader. The fellow puts the tank in reverse and tries to outrun Sunil, but is that possible, he drops the mine on the tank, and kills them all. So till here, the director has successfully showed the Pak soldiers to be brainless, cowardly and stupid. But no, it seems that was not his aim, he later shows the flags of the two countries and begs them to be friendly. Is there anyone with common sense in Bollywood??

Nobody is asking you to make movies on the wars, but if you are doing them at least do not insult the memories of the soldiers. That is the least you can do. It is sick to make commercial movies based on the life of the soldiers who have died on the fronts.

Well this post became a bit serious one. Sorry about that. I think i really felt a bit strong about this attitude of the directors. I will try to keep the posts on the lighter side from now on.