Tuesday, December 18, 2007

India in Australia

Hi all,

I am starting with a my favorite topic, cricket! As per the Indian tradition, i love cricket.
But i love Australian cricket. So here is my dilemma, i am an Indian living in Australia. So whom do i support?? Well some say, being outside one's country makes you long for your country. They are right. I do long for India. But does that mean i should support for India?

I have been a staunch supporter of the Aussie style of cricket. I can say that i have played a bigger part in the success of the aussie cricket fortune, for from the time i started supporting them (which was right after the '96 world cup), they have been steadily dominating the world!!

So when i go to MCG in a week's time, i would have completed 12 years of utter devoted support of the aussies. Would it not be back-stabbing if i change sides now??

There is another piece to this dilemma (i might as well call it "trilemma") - Dada. I just love him. And after making a spectacular come back to the team, he is in the peak of his form and it will be the hundredth time when he steps out at MCG.

I want a century from Dada but i also want Aussies to win!!
It wouldn't surprise me if i haven't decided whom to back when i go to the ground on saturday.

Well i forgot the most important thing, I have ticket for the fourth day, and i hope the indians play till then.

Well this is my first blog. Keep coming back. i promise to keep them lively.