Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bye 2007!

Yes, vacation time has set in. Tomorrow is the last official working day. Already 3/4ths of the department has disappeared. 2007 is breathing its last. It has come to an end very fast. Now you would say it is a cliche and i would agree with you.

2007 has given me lots of memories. And as always it has been mixed. But being an optimist i would say more of happy memories. And that doesn't mean i have forgotten the bad memories Because they teach a man more than the happy ones.

Well the year did not start with much promise, but it sure ends with many. When the year started i did not have much clue as to what i would be doing after the april, but things have happened as they always do and here i am sitting comfortably with future known for the next three years.

Well coming to the happy memories, this year i became a post-graduate, my younger sister got married, many of my friends have gone to foreign lands, aussies have retained what is rightfully theirs, Dada has made a remarkable come-back, and many other such things. I got made many new friends, got in contact many old ones - most of them who have travelled to the other side of the ocean. Why is it so?? Well that will figure as the topic in another post. Not here. I know you are very interested, but there is always time and place for everything.

Even though I did not start the year with much joy, I sure have made plans to enjoy the last weeks of the year. I am meeting a couple of my old school mates whom i haven't met for a long time. One of them, I haven't met for a year and the other for five years. It is going to be a very exciting one. Looking forward to it.

Well it is time to say "good bye" to 2007 and say "hi" to 2008. Hope that will bring smiles to every one's face. That would not be enough, it has to sustain those smiles. I am an eternal optimist, I am sure it will.

I am ending this post with my favorite quote, "Even the smallest person can change the course of the world". Remember this.

And don't think this is the last post for this year, come back tomorrow.