Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Science or Magic?

I am now in Canberra for The Logic Summer School in ANU. My friends and I went for a bushwalk the other day to Tidbinbilla natural reserve. It was a very beautiful place. But this blog is not about the beauty of the place, rather it is about the magic that occured in which I took part.

One of the friends was saying how four people could life any person effortlessly in that particular method. And amidst a doubter, me, he set on to prove it. We chose the heaviest person in our group. There were 5 males in the group and the heaviest was to be lifted by the rest. Now this person sat on a rock and we held our hands together in the 'i am going to shoot you position', (i.e, we made a gun in our hands, which is basically hold the two fists together with extending the first two fingers out and folding the last two fingers). And the four guns were placed under the two arm-pits and the two knees. We tried to lift him in this way.. It was not possible for us and we did not even move him an inch.

Next we put our open palms (palms facing the person's, to be lifted, head) in the following order. The 1st lifter would put his right palm out above the head of the person to be lifted and then the second lifter followed with his right palm above the already placed palm without touching it. Followed by the 3rd and the 4th lifter.. Then the first lifter puts his left palm about the last palm and the sequence continues to the 4th lifter... None of the palms are touching each other or the head. This is all done in complete silence. The hands are held for half a minute and then the palms are removed in the reverse order starting from the left palm of the 4th lifter to the right palm of the 1st lifter...

Now the lifters again form the gun and try to lift the person, still without talking. And, would you believe it, the person felt like a feather...

I am not sure what is the science behind it.. We took turns lifting the others and trying to figure out how it is possible... but to no avail...

If you have an answer.. you know you can post it here...