Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Luncheon War

This is a long over-due blog entry...

This day (when the following happened) I had not packed my lunch and had to eat out. And there I was in the Macquarie Centre with my lunch, Chole and Rice. Chole was not excellent, but then I will be the last one to complain about that. Anyways, as always I was having trouble finding a spot to sit down. Mind you, I was not looking for a quiet spot, just any spot would have great. At 12:30 PM it is next to impossibility to find a place in Mac. Centre food court.

I had completed my second circling of the food court and I found this single empty chair. I took it and next to me were sitting two friends. It is very difficult or uncomfortable to sit that close to someone and not talk with them. I was wondering how was I going to endure this for the next 20 mins of my lunch. I was praying that they would finish sooner. But they were deeply involved in their conversation. Did I mention that it was more uncomfortable to act as if I was not listening to them.

Anyways, this is an excerpt of their interesting conversation... One of the two was of south-asian origin and so more well-versed in the subject of terrorism.

Terrorism is caused by the feeling of being wronged, when a group or community feel they are wronged and justice has not been done on their foes, they sometime take up arms.
And when they do avenge, they might end up making some innocents on the opposition side feel wronged.. And if you can see this chain goes on and on....

Anyways, even before they finished their conversation they completed their lunch and left me alone to ponder on this....

So what is the solution, how does this persecution and terrorism end?

Two choices... Dialogue - a refined approach, nuke - a return to stone-age...

Of this Dialogue seems to be a better option not just for the obvious reason...

One of the not so many negatives of globalisation rules out the nuke option... how?
Thanks to globalisation people of a community spread to all parts of the world, and one such person from one of the aggrieved community could be and, most probably, would be abroad and feel wronged by the 'nuke'rs and take up arms himself...

This might seem silly, but there is lot of truth and rationality in this...