Friday, January 23, 2009

Old Politi...

What is the deal about the old politicians? How come every top politician in the country so unhealthy? How can the nation be healthy in unhealthy hands? I have huge respect for Dr. Singh...
But this has just become too much... The only improvement that I have seen in the last decade is that India has managed to find couple of presidents who could walk... That is a great improvement for our country. I am not even being sarcastic here.. i am just plain stating the fact!

Lets just see how the country has developed in the last few decades...

In 1940s and earlier... people who have passed school could be teachers, those who have done some basic medicine could practice as doctors, and people with little qualification but more of experience could be chief engineers...

By 1960 - 1980 things changed and to become a teacher, a person had to get a basic degree from college, speak little english; to practice medicine, it was compulsory to pass MBBS; and to become an engineer, a BE.

By 2000, a Masters degree is considered a basic qualification and not even a sufficient qualification to teach; an MBBS is no way good enough to be a successful doctor; and engineers qualify themselves with a MTech, MS, a PhD and what not....

But to become a politician, a minister... all one needs is still to be over the age of 25 (if my memory of CIVICS is any good!!) What other qualification is needed? This has been the case since India became independent. Is there no need for that to change?

At least in those days India had people who had suffered under the British rule and wanted to do some good to the impoverished country... But today's so-called leaders have not seen any such suffering... they had happily followed the footsteps of the early statesmen and lived in their shadow without any trouble and now think it is their right to exploit this country for their own good...

The retirement age in all the fields have come down in the last few decades.. but the politicians have no retirement.... they only retire permanently... And worse they make it a family affair.. What is the point of having a democracy in that case... Why not have another try at royalty? A king for every constituency and then the king will be followed by his wife or son or daughter... Whatever non-sense...

There must be a public rally leading to the parliament demanding a retirement age for these politicians... a degree as a necessary qualification to be a politician...

These are the least one could ask for...