Sunday, January 4, 2009

Chak De India? Or....

I have this bias against ShahRukh Khan's movies. Having said that Chak De was no moer than a glorified bollywood movie for me. The story was alright and acting was more mediocre and less talked about direction the better... But then this view of mine reached a new low last night. Why?

Last night I was watching a movie on TV, Miracle, starring Kurt Russell. This movie was not great, but good with average directorial effort and good acting. So what was the story... If you haven't guessed already, an Underdog Ice-hockey team making it to the olympics and winning the gold.

I never had great expectation from bollywood movie makers, but what really did it for me was they don't even write original dialogues... Everything inspirational dialogue, every key point in the movie has been lifted from Miracle. What was original in Chak De was its stupid way of showing team-spirit, where the team goes and bashes up some guys in a restaurant, and the so-called romance between one of the team member and a cricketer... But full-credits to the makers of Chak De, they were innovative in making the story about a Women's hockey team!!! Now that is amazing creativity!! Even if you are only copying a hollywood story, give the original some credit and try to make the original look better...