Sunday, May 11, 2008

Wants, Needs and What not?

As always, when I was feeling a bit restless in the afternoon I took a walk. I love those walks where I talk to myself about many things in the world. I guess I am my best friend. I do not have the patience to sit down and explain the complex thoughts I process in my mind to others. It is too difficult. These thoughts are sometimes too difficult for myself to handle. Anyways, in todays walk this whole topic came to my mind and I am throwing some of my ideas here now.
Everyone 'want' certain things, 'need' certain things. As they say in mathematics, these things could have some intersections or they may be totally different. Wants are defined as the cravings or desires of a person, while the Needs are the essentials. Here is an example:
1. Man Needs food to survive.
2. Man Wants tasty food to eat. Simple!!
We pray to God to give us what we want, but if we understand the phenomenon of God then it will become clear that the needs will be satisfied without asking or praying. When elders tell us to pray for our food and other "NEEDS", they are actually training us to the idea of praying than teaching us to ask for our needs. (atleast I think so. Don't you agree?) I believe that one does not need to ask God what he needs. What I NEED will automatically happen. It is what I want that I need to ask for. Take for the example a simple house-hold. We ask our parents for a cycle, or some toys or a computer. But we do not ask them for food. The automatically provide us food, clothing, education, etc... (this is a good example. I am proud of myself for this.)
The summary of the above thought process is that one need not ask for the needs but one needs to ask for his wants. Suppose it is the case that one has to ask for his needs too, then imagine what would happen to those who do not have any idea about what they need?? Most of us have no clue to our needs!!
So letting this all rest, I am coming to the question of the day. If I figure out what I NEED and I WANT to have it, then is that thing now a "NEED" or a "WANT"? So do I or do I not ask for it. Suppose it becomes a WANT, then I need to ask for it, and if what i now Want is still a Need, then I need not ask for it. Pretty confusing is it not??
Seems I NEED to take another walk. But I dont WANT to!!