Monday, May 12, 2008

Silence and Humor- A deadly Combo.

Andy: Is there any secret to be funny?
Saint: Silence!
This is a dialogue from the movie "Man on the Moon", a biopic on the life of Andy Kaufman. This is not just a dialogue. It is The Truth.
When I feel bored, I just sit silently and watch many things that happen around and try to take in all those things. This gives two advantages. One is that I observe a lot more and the other is that the top floor goes to work. With the top floor working lots of interesting thoughts come. Humor is not being foolish or idiotic as portrayed by many comedians. Humor is understanding of many things. Many of the philosophers were also known for their humor. The top comedians have been great thinkers like Chaplin. They were able to taste success by portraying truth in silly ways. This is the simplest and purest form of humor.
I have tried it and have understood that the more I keep silent, the more my words carry the bitterest truths in humorous ways.
Try it for yourself!

And by the way, the movie above mentioned is a real master-piece.