Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Ideal world!

What is an ideal world? Is it one in which there are no crimes; no politicians, only statesmen; no shortage of food; no hatred; no killing of animals; no deforestation; no water-scarcity; no poverty; no hunger; no child labor; no bonded labor; or is it this world?
Ever wondered how life will be in such an ideal world? Don't you think it would be boring without any color? Even rainbow has 7 colors. Then how could the world be made with just one color!
Could it be possible that this world is The Ideal World? Why not? After all, all the qualities good or bad are those created by Nature. And anyways, good and bad are relative terms. Things are how they are supposed to be. There is no change needed. IF there are changes needed they will happen naturally. This world has so many colors and things are wonderful as they are.
There is no need to crib about the world being un-fair. Enjoy it as it is.