I did many things in the last two weeks in Germany,
I have many things to say about my two weeks in Germany,
I got many things to do in Germany after two weeks,
and many things have happened in these two weeks.
But I am not going to tell them all because it would take many days to complete.
There are many things in my head, but sadly (and rightly so) not many people would be ready to listen to them all.
Many of these things I have seen in these two weeks would have been experienced by many people in many different situations, but did any one of them experience all these things in the same circumstance as mine?
I do not think they would have, and I am sure many people would agree with me on that.
I think that is the case with all the people. Each person experiences many things that many others too do but the circumstances and ordering of the many events differ in many ways. This makes what each person experiences unique.
This is one of the many beautiful things about life.
(PS after all this I have finally remembered what I wanted to write about. Watch out for the next blog!)