Monday, March 2, 2009


My hunt for good and better hobbies, led me to Squash this Sunday. And it was very tiring to my body and very relaxing to my brain. I stress the importance of physical activity for the better state of your head. Too much of unspent energy attacks your brain like anything. Many of you might have realised this. Unfortunately I don't have any picture of me in the squash court right now, but who knows may be next week!

Let me come to the story of me playing squash. This was my first time playing the game, and being used to other racket games like tennis, badminton, I felt squash cannot possibly be any difficult. But I was SOOOO wrong. In other racket games, the ball comes straight at you, the minute the opponent hits the ball you know where the ball is going to be. But in squash, you never know how many deflections it is going to take and where you have to meet the ball. And this makes it really difficult game. I played with three different people and lost ( obviously) to all of them, but I guess I will get the hang of the game by the third outing.

Fingers crossed.

PS : My blog has got 80 hits from 8 different countries in the last month, thanks to all who have visited my blog.