The Munna Bhai wants to contest in the coming Lok Sabha election. Our favorite Munna wants to be a member of the parliament. He wants to represent the lucky people of some constituency. He wants to make decisions for them, take responsibility for their lives. He wants to do a lot of good for the people in that constituency. A very nice and appreciatable intention. His father, late union minister, would be very proud of him.
Let us see what his qualifications are:
1. Popular bollywood star,
2. Son of a late union minister.
Are these enough? Let us look a bit more:
3. A well known ex-drug addict,
4. Convicted for having a machine gun,
5. Convicted for having no license for it,
6. Convicted for procuring it illegally,
7. Accused in the mumbai terror blasts,
8. Accused of having ties with Dawood Ibrahim.
Does this look like a winning resume for any job? Are these the qualities we look for in our representative to anywhere, let alone the Lok Sabha? Should the Election Commision allow him to contest this election, this would be a new and ground breaking low in the history of Indian Politics. This would be a shameful event, and an insult to the great statesmen of the past. It would be an insult on the parliament and the countless MPs and the few statesmen who have walked that ground, sat there, spoken there, made decisions there, represented the people there.
I do not hate Sanjay Dutt, he is a gifted entertainer. I am among the countless fans of the Munna bhai movies. But movies are not real life. If he was Munna, then he was also the Don in many movies. Are the Indian people so blind, or so forgiving? This is not just against Sanjay. This is also against the countless convicts and accused who are contesting the elections. This is also against the countless fakers and frequent visitors to the jails who are contesting the elections. I just wish that EC would have a backbone and deny these gentlemen tickets.
Of these, Varun Gandhi deserves a special mention. He has maligned the name of Gandhi. He has maligned the bloodline of Nehru. He has maligned the two greatest statesmen this country has produced. Stopping him from contesting the elections is the most lenient punishment that I can think of.