Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Taking control!!

Hi all,
It is an understatement to say it has been long time. A lot of things were happening, a lot of stuff to think over. Who am i kidding, it is just me, as always, procrastinating. 'Nothing new', as those who know me would put it. This is the inertia that i have picked up in IIT. IIT life is soo good that i enjoyed it soo much, or over enjoyed it. It made me very lazy, i put on lots of weight, did absolutely no work. Had i taken control of my life in those two years, who knows, eh? But i dont want to sit back and regret what i did. What happened was supposed to happen and so here i am.
I had been leading a lethargic life, and i have been reluctant to shrug it off my shoulders. And this lifestyle causes trouble in many ways, as they did for me. And now for the last fortnight i have been trying to do things differently. It looks like I might be able to get things together!! Yay!!
I hope to come back to active blogging soon. My research seems to come together. Keeping fingers crossed.

Will be back in full swing soon, fellas.
Fasten your seat belts!!!
