Saturday, September 20, 2008

Excellent movies 1. Apocalypse Now

Apocalypse Now is an amazing movie to say the least. The movie by Coppola won 2 Oscars. The world's best actor EVER - Marlon Brando stars (and i mean it STARS) in this movie. He is supported by Duvall and Ford. A wonderful work from Sheen.

Sheen portrays the character of a soldier who feels more at peace in the jungles of Vietnam than outside. He also plays the narrator of the story. He is given a very important mission. He tracks the life of Brando - a colonel who has gone insane due to the war. The movie shows how an exemplary soldier and man of great regard could stoop to such lows in a war.

The movie is shot in great locations that give more eerie touch to the movie. Brando lives and breathes as the insane colonel, who knows he has gone beyond all help. Duvall plays a maverick Lt colonel who loves his men, hates the war, but still wants to enjoy even if it means taking highest risks. Even though i have told most abt the movie, it is an absolute treat to watch.