Thursday, May 21, 2009

Behold the Palantir

They are not all accounted for, the lost seeing stones, said Gandalf, We do not know who might be looking.

- The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Rings.

The seeing stones, Palantir, were made by the Elves of Valinor, by the Noldor and quite possible Feanor.  They were used to see and communicate with the other such stones kept at virtually any part of the world. There were many such stones made. One was lost to Sauron, one Saruman found, one was safe in the White tower. But what happened to the rest? The Master Stone was kept in the tower of Avallónë on Tol Eressëa, but no record is made of successful communication from any palantír of Middle-earth to this one. Until now. It has been discovered, it is a Canon HG10.

In my quest to name my camera, I had requested suggestions from my friends and those who read my blog. After some very nice suggestions, I have named my camera Palantir. May it see far and wide!!

The visions of Palantir, edited in Anduril, will be posted on the my blogs for the whole world to behold.

Hail! the victorious fellowship of Anduril & Palantir.
