Friday, April 11, 2008

been there and done that!

I have done it finally. i understood what was expected of me and understood what i should do and did that. It feels great now.
It feels like a great weight has been removed from my shoulder. I have been under lot of pressure for the last two months. Needless to say, it was of my own doing. I should have done my work in time but i kept postponing things just like that. And then when it was time, I was in no man's land.

I have decided to be more sincere to my work. Lets see how long this lasts.

I have realized this interest in LAW. I have been interested in it for long. And this week it has become more. And i have even trying to find out details about the LAW degree in India. Lets see how it goes.

I am sure I have the ability to become a good lawyer. Hope i become one, it would be great.