Friday, March 28, 2008

'Welcom'ing back.

Hello everyone,
I know you all missed me. So did I. Well not exactly, I mean, I had a lot to mince in my small head, that i had little time for things else. (This is quite a bit advance, but to all those who believed this, 'Happy Birthday'- hope you understand... Can't be more explicit)

Anyways, my fans have been writing distress mails to me, saying they are not able to sleep without reading my wisdom, so here I am back. But only for today. Don't! Don't even think of asking about my research. It is not proper etiquette to ask ladies their age, men their salary and research students their progress.

I am doing good, if that makes you all happy. There you see, good to see you all smile. It is my duty to make you smile and laugh and i am very good in doing that.
So how have you all been? (I am sure good, you did not have to put up with me for more than month - and that is one of the reasons for me to be back).

I haven't been good, like I have already broken my new year resolution. In fact, i broke it long back. But i am trying to stop myself.
Lets see how it goes.

And i will be on another hiatus, just want to take stock of my 'research'. Yeah, exactly.
So see you all later.